Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cat Scratch

Today was a lazy Sunday afternoon.Played around with some tomatoes and water color pencils

sat on the porch enjoyed some cranberry lemonade and sketched the view with a ballpoint

and then decided to do some quick sketches of the cat. The cat however, had other ideas ;p

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sat Aug 31, 2013

The other day I stumbled across some of my old watercolor pencils (that I have woefully neglected for years, and honestly don’t even remember using.) 

Inspired, I did a quick study of the first thing that caught my eye - a jade colored bowl on my dresser.

What I loved immediately was how easy and not-messy they were to play with. I woke up this morning itching to get to a sketchbook. My subject?, ripening bananas.